Q: What is Gansai ?
A: It means iwa-enogu, a kind of paint used in Japanese painting. They are made from particles of pulverized rock, mainly minerals, or made from glass by applying glazing technique used in pottery. They are insoluble in water, so they are applied with a binder of animal skin glue. The colors change greatly when they dry. Once they completely dry, the colors are durable and relatively resistant to fading, and odorless unlike oil paintings. Please search iwa-enogu for more information.

Q: How long does it take to finish painting a work?
A: It depends on each work. I’m a slow painter. I myself don’t know exactly how long it takes. Some paintings, especially Japanese paintings take years including conception period. After I finish drawing a sketch, it takes about two weeks or several months to finish the work depending on its size. Watercolor paintings take a bit less time.

Q: Can I buy your work?
A: My works are not sold online.
[How to buy it]
New works will be exhibited at my next personal exhibition. You can buy them at the gallery then. Please send a message from contact page about other works.

Q: Can I order a painting?
A: Please ask me at my personal exhibition.

Q: When will your next personal exhibition be held?
A: It hasn’t been decided yet.

If you have any further question, please send a message from contact page.